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Ty Mawr Country Park
Ty Mawr Country Park lies on the banks of the River Dee in the beautiful Vale of Llangollen, part of the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area out Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Ty Mawr has all the fun of the farm in a magnificent setting beneath the arches of the Cefn Viaduct. There are lots of animals you can meet at Ty Mawr such as donkeys, pigs, and goats. You can even feed our free range chickens and ducks or admire Carlos and Pedro the Llamas, who guard our sheep from foxes!
At Ty Mawr we do not use chemicals and pesticides on the land. That is why we have many species of wild plants and animals and in the summer our traditional hay meadows are full of colour. Why not take a gentle stroll down to the river, sit and relax and see if you can spot a salmon jumping!
Picturesquely situated beneath the dramatic Cefn Viaduct on the banks of the River Dee, Ty Mawr provides some of the best scenery around.
Whether it is to admire the view, to see the farm animals or to take a walk, you could bring a picnic and have a great family day out at Ty Mawr Country Park.
Walks around Ty Mawr
Why not take a longer walk along the riverside to the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct - recently designated a world heritage site - along the Cefn Heritage Trail or link up with the Offas Dyke National Trail?
The walks at Ty Mawr and some other parks have been 'calorie mapped' so that you can see how many calories you will burn on the walks. This information is on the map as you enter the park or available to download.
Ty Mawr Country Park provides Events throughout the year which are for both adults and children. You can view or download a copy of our events programme.
New Barn Centre
The Barn at Ty Mawr has recently been refurbished and it now an excellent facility within the park. The rooms are regularly used for environmental education with visiting school groups, and for park events. They can also be hired for children's birthday parties, used for meetings, conferences, training courses and other community events. For further details contact Ty Mawr on 01978 822780, email