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This walk takes you on footpaths and tracks once used by miners and monks! From Watchet to Washford the route runs on the line of the old West Somerset Mineral Railway that was used to bring iron ore from the Brendon Hills to the harbour in Watchet where it was shipped to the Ebbw Vale furnaces for smelting. In Washford it joins the Monks Path, which ran between Cleeve Abbey in Washford and St Andrew’s church in Old Cleeve.
There is much to see along the way including old manor houses and churches before you join the King Charles III England Coast Path at Blue Anchor. This section of the Coast Path offers fantastic views of Minehead and Exmoor, the Quantocks, Wales, Steep Holm and Flat Holm, and Hinkley Point with the Mendip Hills behind.
Distance: 7.5 miles/11.5km
Duration: 4 hours
Map: OS Landranger 181: Minehead & Brendon Hills
Grade: Moderate