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A beautiful Chiltern Society walk along a very scenic stretch of The Ridgeway and through woods blanketed with bluebells in the spring. Fine views over the Prime Minister’s country retreat at Chequers. The route links up with the Brush Hill walk, which can be downloaded from the Society’s website.
START: Whiteleaf Hill car park, Peters Lane near Princes Risborough. Grid ref: SP 823 036. Nearest postcode HP27 0RP
DISTANCE: 5.7 miles, with c900ft of ascent over the length of the walk
TERRAIN: A moderately demanding walk, with one fairly steep descent and two moderate ascents. One stile. Look out for the painted waymarkers on the trees
MAPS: OS Explorer 181 and Chiltern Society 3
REFRESHMENTS: The Plough at Cadsden on the walk. The Red Lion in Whiteleaf village is nearby and worth a visit
PUBLIC TRANSPORT: Risborough Area Community Bus Service 4 stops nearby at the top of Kop Hill. It runs on a Tuesday and Saturday from Princes Risborough.