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This walk starts from the beach car park at Saundersfoot and runs along the seafront, through three tunnels to Wisemans Bridge beach where it can be extended by turns inland to run alongside the stream up the aptly named Pleasant Valley to finish at the old iron works at Stepaside.
The section from Coppet Hall to Wisemans Bridge is a cycleway. From Wisemans Bridge to Stepaside the path runs along a bridleway so you may encounter horse riders as well as cyclists on this part of the route. Cyclists must dismount in the tunnels for safety.
Coppet Hall was known as Coalpit Hall in the 19th century when coal was shipped out from this beach. The Stepaside Ironworks processed ore dug from ‘patches’ on the sea cliffs between Saundersfoot and Amroth. The path runs along the old railway that was built to transport anthracite coal from Grove Colliery at Stepaside to the harbour at Saundersfoot.
Originally a horse-drawn dramway, the railway fell into disuse and closed in 1939. The beaches here were a used a training ground in 1943 for the D-Day landings. Look for blue tit, great tit, wren, greater-spotted woodpecker and chaffinch in the woods.