Introducing the Coast to Coast Path National Trail

Even though the Coast to Coast Path National Trail will not open until 2026 we are providing information here as we know a lot of you have questions. Businesses are already keen to add their information to the website, you can do this now ready for the trail opening in 2026. These pages will be updated as we get closer to completing the trail.

Interactive map

The map below shows the line of the Coast to Coast Path National Trail. It is not fully open, you cannot currently use this map to navigate the trail. We will update the map as work progresses, and in time accommodation, attractions and services will appear on the map.

Added to your Itinerary Planner below

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Map Filters

Toggle between the options below to show available markers.

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Points of interest



Points of interest


© Crown copyright and database rights 2025 OS 100022021EUL. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions.

The custom route elevation is created when you use the distance calculator (above) to draw a line.

Using the GPX downloads

Please be aware that the “full” GPX file available to download above, may contain multiple tracks and some apps and websites may not be able to display this correctly.

Frequently asked questions about the Coast to Coast Path National Trail

Select the blue arrow tabs below for more details.

Exploring the Trail

The Coast to Coast Path National Trail will open early in 2026.

The line of the trail will include some sections where you have a choice of route. Because of this the overall length being developed is 197 miles but most walkers will walk around 192 miles.

The Coast to Coast is a challenging route. Some sections are remote, the ability to navigate and a good map are essential.

The route promoted in maps an guidebooks is not exactly the same as the one on the map above. When the Coast to Coast Path National Trail opens you will able to see any diversions on the interactive map, above.

Yes, you can walk the Coast to Coast now. The trail exists on the ground, but the new Coast to Coast Path National Trail will follow a slightly different line in places.

You will notice a mix of old and new waymarkers. Overtime the new Coast to Coast Path National Trail will be fully waymarked. Some of these are being put in now, so although the route is not compete you will see some National Trail waymarkers.

Business are being encouraged to add their accommodation to the interactive map. Many of the guidebooks also provide accommodation information, but this can be quite out of date. Don’t expect to be able to just turn up at accommodation, plan ahead, accommodation fills up quickly in tourist locations.

Sections of the Coast to Coast Path National Trail and associated circular walks and alternative routes will be accessible for people with impaired mobility. These will be shown on the map above and as circular and linear walks.

Adding your business to the website

Accommodation and services such as pubs, cafes, tea shops, outdoor shops etc. can add their business information to the map above so that people planning to walk the Coast to Coast can find the services they need. To do this go to the ‘Add your information’ page (will add link later).

Leaflets, Maps, Guidebooks and Merchandise

The Coast to Coast walk shows on OS maps and other maps. Over time these will be updated to show the new route, but be aware that the map you have my show a slightly different route to the one waymarked on the ground.

The most accurate and up to date information will be shown on this website.

You can buy guidebooks and maps for the Coast to Coast walk  from the The Trails Shop along with gifts and other merchandise.

In time these will be updated to reflect the change to becoming the Coast to Coast Path National Trail.

Certificates are available from the The Trails Shop.

Contact us about the Coast to Coast Path National Trail

If you have feedback or a question about the Coast to Coast Path National Trail contact Natural England’s Coast to Coast Path team

Contact Natural England's Coast to Coast Path team