Rumbling Bridge, important safety sign on marsh

King Charles the Third England Coast Path.

Marsh route safety information.

The next 4 miles (6.6 kilometres) of England Coast Path crosses a remote, open marsh with very few exit routes, and can take 2 to 3 hours to cross.

Cattle. Between 1st May and 15th November high numbers of cattle graze this marsh. If you’d prefer to avoid them, especially if you have a dog, please use the suggested high tide route, also 4 miles long.

Tide times. If high tide is more than 9.5 metres, or 8.5 metres in poor weather or visibility, please use the suggested high tide route in the two hours either side of high tide. On the marsh, follow waymarks and footbridges to avoid tide-filled channels.

Exit routes. The only exit route from the marsh is at East Border, in about one mile.

Emergency? Call 999. Ask for the Coastguard. You are at grid ref NY169523.

Useful links.

Walking near animals.

Tide times.

GPX route download.

Problem with trail?

Visual description. An A3 panel with the above content against a blue background, plus an Ordnance Survey map showing the marsh route and the suggested high tide route, on the right hand side of the panel. Below it sit various logos.