Trail Information

Following the spectacular dyke King Offa ordered to be constructed in the 8th century Offa’s Dyke Path provides 177 miles (285 Km) of stunning walking. Starting at Sedbury Cliffs near Chepstow on the banks of the Severn estuary it runs along the English Welsh border to reach the coastal town of Prestatyn on the shores of the Irish sea. Following valleys and rocky ridges the walk is ever changing but always fascinating.

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Exploring the Trail

The Trail is 177 mile (285 Km) long. It takes about two weeks to complete the whole Trail, although people have been rumoured to complete it in four days. Many people choose to complete only short sections in day trips or to complete the whole Trail over many weeks, months or years.

The Trail passes through many different types of landscape. The toughest part is probably the switchback section of the Shropshire Hills between Knighton and Brompton Crossroads and things can also be hard going in the upland stretches in the Brecon Beacons and Clwydian Range, especially in poor weather or visibility.

The flattest stretch is the section between Buttington Bridge and Llanymynech which largely follows the River Severn and the Montgomeryshire Canal. Elsewhere it is largely a case of gentle ups and downs.

The Trail has long been notorious for the number of stiles on the route. Many of these have been removed in recent years and we plan to reduce these still further to make the Trail more accessible.

If you walk entire Trail from south to north there is about 28,000ft of accent, which is the same as the height of Everest.

Diversions are displayed on the interactive map below. Click on each yellow marker for further details.

Top Tips for Enjoying the Trail

The closest airport to the northern end of the trail is Liverpool John Lennon. At the southern end, Cardiff Airport is nearest.

Both ends of the Trail and several points along the route can be reached by train. Chepstow station is about 2 miles (3 Km) from the start of the Trail. Prestatyn station is about 0.3 miles (0.5 Km) from the northern end.

There is station at Knighton, which is the mid-point of the trail, and home of the Offa’s Dyke Centre.

For detailed rail information please see or

Local buses call at points on or near Offa’s Dyke Path. You can find up-to-date bus information at

Hay Ho! is a year round bus service linking Hereford Railway Station and Hay-on-Wye on Sundays and Bank Holidays. The bus is timed to meet trains from London, the North West and the Midlands. Visit the Hay Ho! Facebook page for more information.

If you are planning to drive, Chepstow, at the southern end of the trail is close to the M4 motorway with fast access to London. From the northern end a short drive leads to the M56 and M6 connecting to other parts of the country.

If you want to leave your car in a public place whilst spending several days walking on the trail, we recommend that you inform the local police of your intentions. You may be able to leave your car with your accommodation provider.

There are plenty of campsites along the Trail and they can be viewed on the Interactive Map.

If you plan to camp please note in England and Wales, there are normally no rights for national trail users to wild camp along the way – so seeking the landowner’s permission is recommended.

There are several companies that will arrange to move your bags for you, help you plan your trip, or arrange a full package.

View a list of these companies here.

Offa’s Dyke Path can be walked right through the year, so there is not really a best time.  Most people walk between April and October. Spring and early summer are best times to see the flora along the way.

The guide books are generally written from south to north, and this is the direction most people walk the Trail in, but there is nothing to stop you going the other way, there is even a guidebook written north to south – so take your pick!

We recommend that you take a map and/or guidebook with you, or a copy of the walk leaflet if you are doing a shorter walk. You may also find a compass useful.

If you are walking solo you may want to tell somewhere where you are going as there can be mobile black spots along the Trail. Ensure your phone is fully charged before setting off.

Weather in the UK can be changeable so it’s wise to be prepared. You’ll need good footwear, waterproofs and warm layers. Take plenty of water and just in case, pack a few plasters for your feet. In the summer you may need sun cream.

Phone reception can be patchy along the Trail, don’t rely on being able to use your phone to help you navigate. Wi-Fi is available at some accommodation and pubs/cafés along the route.

The UK is unique in having a network of paths that the public can use, this is the Public Rights of Way network. You can see these paths on Ordnance Survey maps.

National Trails are signed with an acorn symbol and/or the Trail name which you will see on stiles, gates and signposts. This is the symbol used by all the English and Welsh National Trails.

As you are walking along the Trail you will also see waymarkers pointing to other paths. You can use the public rights of way network to leave the Trail to explore places of interest, reach your accommodation and find places to eat and drink.

You will often find a coloured arrow on signs which indicates the status of that section of path. The most common are yellow arrows which are footpaths and blue which are bridleways.

A GPX file can be downloaded from the Create Your Own Trip page (the button is below the map).


There is a good choice of accommodation close to the Trail and it can be viewed on the Interactive Map below or on the Create Your Own Trip page here.

Alternatively, download and print a list of accommodation for each section of the Trail.

We recommend that you book your accommodation in advance as it’s limited in some areas.

Circular and Linear Walks

There are some great walks to enjoy along parts of the Offa’s Dyke Path, which will give you a flavour of the wonderful, peaceful nature of the Welsh / English border landscape.  Find the perfect walk for you in the Further Information section.

Holiday Inspiration

Visit our Walking Holidays Page for holiday inspiration for the Offa’s Dyke Path.

Leaflets, Maps, Guidebooks and Merchandise

The official guidebook and map for the Trail are available from the The Trails Shop along with a wide range of gifts and other merchandise.

You can also purchase guidebooks and maps etc from the Offa’s Dyke Association shop

You can find a list of Ordnance Survey maps for the Trail here.

Certificates are available from the The Trails Shop.

You can find the Trail leaflet in Further information section

Interactive Map

Use the Map Filter to see places to visit and where to stay along Offa's Dyke Path. View information on the map by ticking the boxes in the Map Filter.

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Points of interest




Points of interest



Points of interest


The custom route elevation is created when you use the distance calculator (above) to draw a line.

Using the GPX downloads

Please be aware that the “full” GPX file available to download above, may contain multiple tracks and some apps and websites may not be able to display this correctly.

Create your own trip

Feeling inspired? Build a bespoke itinerary and start planning your visit to this great National Trail trails here.

Contact the Trail Officer

If you have feedback or a question about the Offa’s Dyke Path, please contact the Trail Manager.

Contact Rob Dingle
Trail Officer