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This 6.5 mile route starts near the Railway Station (grid reference SJ 285 378) and links Chirk with Chirk castle, Offas Dyke National Trail and the River Ceiriog.
'The walk takes you through many areas of scenic beauty, making the walk worthwhile and enjoyable in all seasons.
It should be noted that this route may be muddy in places and suitable footwear is recommended. There are also stiles, steep slopes and busy roads to negotiate. The route is not suitable for wheelchairs, buggies or small children.
Note - Between 1st of October and 31st of March please use the alternative route which bypasses Chirk Castle
There is limited on-street parking near the Railway Station.
Public Transport
There are regular services at the start of this walk. Please call 01978 266166 for bus information or see our online bus timetables.
Ordnance Survey Explorer Maps 255 & 256 covers the area but the extract supplied will be all you need for the walk.