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This 1.5 mile walk may be short but there’s plenty to see. The route follows the quickly ascending clifftop path out of Cromer, soon rewarding any walker’s efforts with stunning views across the town and undulating cliffs beyond. On a clear day, offshore wind farms can be seen, as well as the many ships that ply the North Sea routes off the Norfolk Coast.
After savouring the views, wander down through Warren Woods. The woods were once part of the pleasure grounds of The Warren, and many typical broadleaved tree species can be found here including beech, oak and lime. If you’re lucky enough to be visiting in spring, you’ll be welcomed by a carpet of bluebells and white ransoms.
The walk can easily be extended to take in the lighthouse up close. While not open to the public, the area around the octagonal tower and keeper’s cottage is accessible. After finishing this walk there’s plenty to do in Cromer - not least a stroll on the pier, visiting one of the fascinating museums or simply enjoying an ice-cream on the beach.