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The Icknield Way Trail extends from the Dorset coast to Norfolk. The ancient route of the Icknield Way consists of prehistoric pathways, old already when the Romans came. Dotted with archaeological remains, it survives as splendid tracks and green lanes along the chalk "spine" of England. The Icknield Way Trail runs from the end of The Ridgeway National Trail at Ivinghoe Beacon, near Tring, to the start of the Peddar's Way at Knettishall Heath, near Thetford, for 110 miles (177 km).The Icknield Way Trail is a route open to walkers, horse-riders and cyclists.A variety of other local and regional routes join the Trail, such as Peddars Way National Trail - creating many opportunities to
explore villages, towns and sites of interest nearby and further afield. The route also links in with the Sustrans National Cycle Network. Please see PDF for walker's and rider's routes.
We hope you'll enjoy this walk. If you do please consider making a small donation to help us continue to care for The Ridgeway National Trail and provide information about it.